बद-से-बदतर हालात प्रिये

Author Photo Sanjeet Kumar Pathak Thu 13th Nov 2014      Write your Poem
अनचाहे जब मिल ही गए हैं,

कर लेते हैं कुछ बात प्रिये.

अपना हाल सुनाओ तुम,

यहाँ बद-से-बदतर हालात प्रिये.

कैसे तेरे दिन कटते हैं,

कैसे कटती है रात प्रिये?

मैं तो पल-पल मरता हूँ,

कैसे तेरे लम्हात प्रिये?

तेरा बोर्ड जाल भी तेरे

तेरे मोहरे चाल भी तेरे

मैं भूल गया औकात प्रिये.

चलो खेलें फिर खेल वही,

शह तेरा मेरी मात प्रिये,

सुना है बाज़ारों में बिकते हैं, अब

किलो के दर जज़्बात प्रिये.

Holi Festival of Colours

Author  Photo Somya Saraswat   (Wed 15th Mar 2017) Holi Festival of Colours

A special day, a special week,
Neither I say nor do they weep,
A period of celebration, a feeling of getting affection,
Making good relations, in form of Benediction,
Colours make pleasure in life, without it we can’t survive,
Yearly this day arrive and makes even the boring alive,
Nobody avoid this festival, the joy while playing also kicks estival,
Colouring the face and the cloths with water gun, eating sweets, drinking Thandai, having so much fun,.... Read More

Chicken or Egg?

Author  Photo Realize the Truth   (Tue 11th Dec 2018) Chicken or Egg?
Chicken or egg - what came first?
Can't find an answer that will quench my thirst.
“Of course,” said the chicken, “it was me.
Without me, how could the egg ever be?”
This question goes round, and round and round,
But to most, the answer is never found!

For without the chicken can an egg be laid?
“And how could there be a chicken without me?” the egg said.
This question was asked but found no answer for years….... Read More

LIFE.. ?

Author  Photo Shrivastva MK   (Wed 4th Oct 2017) LIFE..  ?
Life is a game of various events,
play  it  carefully.

Life is a aligation of various feelings,
enjoy  it  with  happiness.

Life is a part of beautiful nature,
save it from  troubles.

Life is a store of knowledge,.... Read More

Dear Diary..

Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Thu 17th Aug 2017) Dear Diary..
My sweet diary
You are a fairy...

Thanks for understanding my feeling..
You are my healing...

Thanks for becoming my partner...
When I have lost my grandmother...

Sorry to trouble you every time...... Read More


Author  Photo Prédicateur d'Hérésie   (Sat 22nd Sep 2018) Fading
Rays of light shine on her body,
Sweat trickles down her neck,
Smoke leaves her nose,
Alcohol flows into her mouth,
Heat liberated from her breath.

Sitting in this dark corner,
Doing what we aren’t meant to do,
The thrill of it slowly grows dim in me.
.... Read More


Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Wed 13th Sep 2017) YOU ARE MY LIFE...
Life is spending it with a dear one..
Life is as bright as sun..
Life is beautiful when you are a part of it..
No pain can hit..

Life is like a fragrance of flower if spent with such a friend like you...
Every trouble flew...
You are a blessing..
I know your heart is prepossessing...... Read More

Shree Krishna

Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Mon 14th Aug 2017) Shree Krishna
Shree Krishna ....

Your name is sweeter than mishri...
I love you so dearly...

You are a divine soul...
How cutely..the maakhan you stole...

Today is your birthday....
Countless blessings you give.. How to repay........ Read More


Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Sat 7th Jan 2017) PARENTS
Parents are the one's
One can expect unconditional love
Parents are the one's
Spanking and stunning
Parents are the one's
One can sacrifice life
Parents are the one's
Gorgeous and gratifying creation
Parents are the one's
One can make smile.... Read More

Sweet Teacher : Hemlata Ma'am

Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Mon 28th Aug 2017) Sweet Teacher : Hemlata Ma'am
You are a key..
All the problems flee..
Unlocks my mind..
You are so kind...
You have a gorgeous smile..
Can walk with you for miles..
You plant a seed in my land..
I am happy to walk by holding your hand...
Proficient teacher of Hindi..
You attire a beautiful bindi...... Read More