Mata rani you are my soul..
You play a preeminent role...
Your flame gives me motivation..
You are my completion...
Without you I am expurgated..
Without you I feel suffocated...
You are my heart..
I am your art...
I am not even the dust of your feet..
You are so sweet...
Thanks for letting me share my feelings..
You are my healing..
I love you..
You give me your shoulder when I pass through..
The most difficult situations..
You are my elation...
You are so good..
You change my mood..
I just need your love..
You are all above...
Why to glance into a world..
If you are my precious pearl...
I thank you for everything you gave me..
You are my key...
I don't know how to worship you..
But still you be with me like a glue..
Thanks for putting your hand on my head..
You make me glad...
You made me rose; thanks for protecting me like its thorn..
You are with me ; there is nothing to mourn..
Thanks for teaching me lessons each day..
You created me with the sturdy clay..
You never let me give up..
You make me jump..
You are my creator..
You make me feel better..
You are so divine..
I wanna sing hymn..
Thanks for your approbation..
You are my inspiration...
You are my life..
You make me survive..
Love you Maa