Happy Birthday .. my friend..(Archana Ma'am)

Author Photo SONIA PARUTHI Mon 28th Aug 2017      Write your Poem
A divine soul
Uplifted me mole by mole..
Today is your special day..
Happiness comes at your door ; I wish to
Hope your birthday brings you joy..
May each day you enjoy..
You are my heart..
To create you God has used bewitching art..
You are my teacher who chose me as friend..
Thanks for always being there for me to hold
my tiny hand...
You are a bounty for me..
Who brought glee...
You are my eyes..
Who can see the beauty of life..
You are my ears
Who can listen to all the peers..
Always ready to solve the tough situations..
And aspires to see me at elevations..
You taught me the new vision of life..
To be as sharp as knife..
To tackle the problems..
You are just awesome...
You are as beautiful as your name suggest..
To have you in my life I am blessed..
Colossal thanks to you for the love and care..
Our true friendship not to compare..
A friend like you is a gift from God...
To make you happy I have always awed..
Happy birthday to you..
I miss you..
God bless you..

ज़िन्दगी का सफ़र

Author  Photo Shrivastva MK   (Sun 1st Oct 2017) ज़िन्दगी का सफ़र
ज़िन्दगी का सफ़र बढ़ता चला गया,
हम रोते रह गए बीती बातो को सोच कर,
और एक वक्त है जो बिन परवाह गुज़रता चला गया,

वो हमे ढूंढते रह गए प्यार के गलियो में,
और मेरा प्यार उनके याद में खोता चला गया,

न मंज़िल का पता था न रहने का कोई ठिकाना,
पर ये कम्बख़त दिल है जो उनके प्यार में भटकता चला गया,
.... Read More

Woman to Woman

Author  Photo Akshita Kothari   (Mon 19th Sep 2016) Woman to Woman
Woman to Woman
A woman gives birth to another woman
A woman teaches lesson to another woman
A woman nurtures another woman
A woman hurts another woman
A woman consoles to another woman
A woman scarifies for another woman
A woman resembles another woman
If a woman is shadow of another woman
then don't kill any woman.... Read More

Dharmantaran ki Aag

Author  Photo Pandit Sanjay Sharma 'aakrosh'   (Sat 31st Jan 2015) Dharmantaran ki Aag
Dharmantran ki is aag ne
Ye kaisa chakkar chala diya
Sansad se lekar sadko tak
Ye kaisa manjar dikha diya
Kuchh anjane chehro ko
Media ne heero bana diya
Jaan boojh kar un logo ne
Desh ki ekta par hi kalank laga diya
Unki is harkat ne
Un gareebo ko hi rula diya.... Read More

हमें गर्व है अपनी माटी पर

Author  Photo Pandit Sanjay Sharma 'aakrosh'   (Sat 26th May 2018) हमें गर्व है अपनी माटी पर
हमें गर्व है अपनी माटी पर
जहां शूरवीरों ने ही जन्म लिया
और आजादी की खातिर ही
उन वीरों ने संघर्ष किया
देश प्रेम उनके खून में था
अपने खून से माटी को तिलक किया
और फांसी को आजादी का
भोग समझकर ग्रहण किया
जहां कृष्ण भक्ति में मीरा ने
जहर का प्याला ग्रहण किया.... Read More

My dear friend...

Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Thu 28th Sep 2017) My dear friend...
Thanks for being he part of my life...
Your heart has beautiful eyes...
You really bring best in me..
With you all the problems flee..
World's best friend who is always ready to do anything...
You are really a blessing...
You taught me the true meaning of endurance..
Taught me the difference between sense and nonsense..
Changed the way of my thinking..
When I was sinking....... Read More


Author  Photo Pandit Sanjay Sharma 'aakrosh'   (Fri 6th May 2016) फरियाद
तुम कब्र पे आकर मेरी
ये फरियाद कर देना
खुदा को याद करके तुम
मुझे भी याद कर लेना
खुदा से पूँछ लू जाकर
तुम उसके बाद कर देना
खुद को आबाद कर देना
मुझे बरवाद कर देना

पं संजय शर्मा आक्रोश'.... Read More


Author  Photo SHOUBHIK DEOGHARIA   (Wed 17th Dec 2014) LAST CRY
A drop of rain,
just came when I was in pain.
Ya its come through my eyes,
When Last time I said you Goodies.

Time seem to be Numb,
and my body seem to be in tight firm.
Just my eyes was in motion,
Its seem as it will form a ocean.
.... Read More

Dard Bhare Lamhein

Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Sat 26th May 2018) Dard Bhare Lamhein
Dard dete hai jab apne
Chur chur ho jate hai sapne
Naino mein hai nami
Fir Bhi hotho par nhi hai muskan ki kami
Zindagi ne kya khel rachaya
Dil hai mera bhar aaya
Kaisa aaya samay
Samjha gaya ki kaun hai apne or kaun paraye
Bhul gye they bandhna khoon ke rishtey se
Baitha diya unhe .... Read More

Praying to galaxy

Author  Photo Kazeronnie Mak   (Sun 10th Sep 2017) Praying to galaxy
I have to restrain myself, not to let you see me in tears.
I pretend to ignore you.
Try to stop thinking of you.
Only blame myself that I have no title to love you.
Looking at you, I am so helplessness but.
Just let you vanish into the galaxy.
The heartbreak makes me breathless as I find no trace of you.
I shall sense your tenderness never again.
I find no reason for being strong.
Please tell me where the galaxy is !.... Read More