Sometimes it's good
To hurt others for their good
I don't have anything to say
Cannot give you what you say
Broken heart is never healed
Vaccancy will never be filled
I cannot be the burden on you
There are several health issue
The time we spent
Is not to lament
Cherish the memory
Someone called me cherry
Nothing is left
Except to wept
Sky turns black
Old heart I lack
Wish you the best
You were a blest
I cannot reveal the truth
I am in ruth
To save your life
I put a knife
You stay happy
My heart is empty
Wish for your bright future
Every moment you nurture
Going to end
Something is serious cannot pretend
You move a head
I cannot stand
Will always be there to help
Sorry for you just I felt
Nothing to say
Just good bye I say
Hard to break heart
I will depart