हे राम तुम्हारी दुनिया मे इंसान बदलते देखा है

Author Photo Pandit Sanjay Sharma 'aakrosh' Wed 1st Nov 2017      Write your Poem
सूरत को बदलते देखा है
सीरत को बदलते देखा है
हमने इस जालिम दुनिया की
नीयत को बदलते देखा है
रूप बदलते देखा है
और रंग बदलते देखा है
कुछ लोगों का हमने तो
रंग ढंग भी बदलते देखा है
चाल बदलते देखा है
और ढाल बदलते देखा है
हमने तो कुछ लोगों का
सुरताल बदलते देखा है
नाम बदलते देखा है
और मान बदलते देखा है
मुश्किल की घड़ी में अपनों का
ईमान बदलते देखा है
गरीब बदलते देखा है
अमीर बदलते देखा है
मतलब भरी इस दुनिया में लोगों का
जमीर बदलते देखा है
सोज बदलते देखा है
और साज बदलते देखा है
हमने तो बहुत से लोगों का
अंदाज बदलते देखा है
भाई को बदलते देखा है
हरजाई को बदलते देखा है
हरजाई को बदलते देखा है
कलयुग की इस दुनिया मे
सच्चाई को बदलते देखा है
दिल बदलते देखा है
और दल बदलते देखा है
हमने ऐसे लोगों का फिर
कल बदलते देखा है
आचार बदलते देखा है
प्रचार बदलते देखा है
हमने ऐसे नेताओं का फिर
विचार बदलते देखा है
आन बदलते देखा है
और शान बदलते देखा है
हे राम तुम्हारी इस दुनिया मे
इंसान बदलते देखा है
पं संजय शर्मा की कलम से

My best friend is my happiness

Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Thu 11th Jul 2019) My best friend is my happiness
You are my life my dear,
To lose you is my biggest fear.

I need you all the time,
You make my life sing a rhyme.

You make me laugh when no one can do,
I am the best me when I have you.

When i do not see you even for a while,.... Read More

I am Sorry

Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Sun 8th Oct 2017) I am Sorry
I am not perfect..
I make you upset...
I make mistakes..
Which gives me excruciating aches..
I am sorry to hurt you..
I apologize from deepest point and that's true..
Never aspire to be the cause of someone's tears..
All the pain I have to bear..
Just wanna see you smiling..
Which will be the best medicine for my wound for healing....... Read More

Dear Diary..

Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Thu 17th Aug 2017) Dear Diary..
My sweet diary
You are a fairy...

Thanks for understanding my feeling..
You are my healing...

Thanks for becoming my partner...
When I have lost my grandmother...

Sorry to trouble you every time...... Read More

I got a name

Author  Photo Kazeronnie Mak   (Fri 20th Jan 2017) I got a name
Everyone has his own name.
The name is also his registered label !
And how many people will protect it seriously ?
No matter the one is SOMEBODY or NOBODY !
They still have their own reputation !!!


Try to seek for the success, never find an excuse for the failure !
.... Read More

Shree Krishna

Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Mon 14th Aug 2017) Shree Krishna
Shree Krishna ....

Your name is sweeter than mishri...
I love you so dearly...

You are a divine soul...
How cutely..the maakhan you stole...

Today is your birthday....
Countless blessings you give.. How to repay........ Read More

The Pathway

Author  Photo Akshita Kothari   (Thu 22nd Sep 2016) The Pathway
The Pathway

The difference between two point
provides a line
The learning of truth and lie
is the pathway to expatiate.

The difference between facts and figures
may give you exact results
The learning of calculations.... Read More


Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Sun 7th Apr 2019) I MISS YOU
You are the only special one,
Who means to me more than anyone.

To have a love that is pure,
Everything can cure.

To be loyal to someone is the heart's innermost desire,
You are my only mahadev I have always aspire.

Missing you is my hobby,.... Read More


Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Wed 13th Sep 2017) YOU ARE MY LIFE...
Life is spending it with a dear one..
Life is as bright as sun..
Life is beautiful when you are a part of it..
No pain can hit..

Life is like a fragrance of flower if spent with such a friend like you...
Every trouble flew...
You are a blessing..
I know your heart is prepossessing...... Read More


Author  Photo Sahaj Sabharwal   (Sat 22nd Sep 2018) NOTHING MUCH FOR MINORS BY SAHAJ SABHARWAL

Minors are those less than eighteen,
As they don't have knowledge in keen.

They don't have a driving licence,
As don't have driving sense.

Minors are given just pen and page,
Their life is not more than a cage..... Read More