हमें गर्व है अपनी माटी पर

Author Photo Pandit Sanjay Sharma 'aakrosh' Sat 26th May 2018      Write your Poem
हमें गर्व है अपनी माटी पर
जहां शूरवीरों ने ही जन्म लिया
और आजादी की खातिर ही
उन वीरों ने संघर्ष किया
देश प्रेम उनके खून में था
अपने खून से माटी को तिलक किया
और फांसी को आजादी का
भोग समझकर ग्रहण किया
जहां कृष्ण भक्ति में मीरा ने
जहर का प्याला ग्रहण किया
और पिता के वचन की खातिर ही
जहां राम ने वनवास लिया
नमन है उन शहीदों को
जिन्होंने तिरंगे को नहीं झुकने दिया
प्रहरी बनकर सीमा पर
अपने प्राणों का बलिदान किया
विशाल स्वरूप उस माता का
जिसने सर्वधर्म को आत्मसात किया
उस प्यारे से ही भारत में
हाँ मैंने तुमने जन्म लिया
जय हिन्द
पं संजय शर्मा की कलम से

The Pathway

Author  Photo Akshita Kothari   (Thu 22nd Sep 2016) The Pathway
The Pathway

The difference between two point
provides a line
The learning of truth and lie
is the pathway to expatiate.

The difference between facts and figures
may give you exact results
The learning of calculations.... Read More

Crying heart

Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Thu 11th Jul 2019) Crying heart
Crying is how your body speaks when your mouth can’t explain the pain you feel,
Why some of the pains deep buried inside the heart never heal?

Deep cries under the shower are most painful,
No one could see me crying have to be careful.

Heart is so hurt not able to acknowledge what is the cause,
I treat everybody as mine and they hurt the most I think is because.

Crying is how your body speaks when your mouth can’t explain the pain you feel,.... Read More

Desire to reach my destination

Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Sat 26th May 2018) Desire to reach my destination
my heart sings
it has got wings
an ardent desire
to fly higher n higher
difficult are roads
cruel people also throw stones
no worry at all, God knows my heart is pure
will lead to a beautiful destination, i m sure
people have a dirty mind
but i will always be kind.... Read More


Author  Photo Kazeronnie Mak   (Mon 28th Aug 2017) Interlude
Something maybe happen.
Something cannot let it happen.
But, it happens in life always !
And it is completely out of our expectations !
All in all, it is just an interlude that
has happened to us this time, this life !

.... Read More


Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Mon 7th Aug 2017) HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY....
Friends come in our life as a beautiful blessing...
They make our lives enhancing...

Friends are siblings..God blessed us with..
Which adorned our life and erases all the myth..

True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils.
Somebody has truly said..A good friend is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have..

Friendship is like a rose....... Read More

I am not I. Who am I?

Author  Photo Realize the Truth   (Tue 11th Dec 2018) I am not I. Who am I?
I am not who I am!
I have a body, but am I the body?
I have a mind, but am I the mind?
I have an ego, but am I the ego?
Who is the me that I am?

Am I a butterfly? No that’s not me.
Am I a bee? No that’s not me.
Am I a tree? No that’s not me.
I am me!.... Read More

To the eternity………

Author  Photo Kazeronnie Mak   (Sun 5th Nov 2017) To the eternity………
I gaze at you taciturnly all of a sudden.
Expecting to see the geniality eyes again
with which makes me feel so warm.
The day before we reunite in the endless journey,
I will evermore cherish the memory of you.
The reminiscence of the difficulties we had gone through together.
That was faded away gradually.
I just remember the laughter which was caused by you majority.
Only if the wind is still blowing, I will miss you always.
I will look at the vastness of starry sky every night,.... Read More

My life: maasi

Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Mon 28th Aug 2017) My life: maasi
You are my life..
I want to cut your problems like a knife..
You are my soul..
You are a beautiful doll..
Komal is your sweet name..
We both are same..
My heart belongs to you..
When you are with me nothing seems blue..
You have a sweet nick name sunny
You are my honey...... Read More


Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Mon 31st Jul 2017) Rain..
I am inspired from rain...
It is not frightened to fall...
Nothing is in vain..
If we reach our goal...

Somebody has truly said...
Everyone wants happiness.
No one wants pain.
But you can’t have a rainbow,
without a little rain..... Read More