The Perfect Son.

Author Photo Amit Singh Mon 1st Dec 2014      Write your Story
A: I have the perfect son.
B: Does he smoke?
A: No, he doesn't.
B: Does he drink whiskey?
A: No, he doesn't.
B: Does he ever come home late?
A: No, he doesn't.
B: I guess you really do have the perfect son. How old is he?
A: He will be six months old next Wednesday.


Author  Photo Sahaj Sabharwal   (Sun 28th Jul 2019) SMARTPHONE'S ADDICTION

What the hell !
Smartphone has made everyone enthral.
It is neither fake nor a lie,
Spectacles are seen on everyone's eye.

At shop ,office ,home or sitting alone,
No work done today in the absence of smart phone.
.... Read More

Happy Birthday My Dear Brother....

Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Fri 8th Sep 2017) Happy Birthday My Dear Brother....
Thanks for being with my side...

Even the situations were like tide..

You are the biggest asset in my life..

That's why life is so fine...

You are a rock star..
.... Read More

Honesty is the best policy

Author  Photo SONIA PARUTHI   (Thu 27th Oct 2016) Honesty is the best policy
Chandulal, a poor villager who is in need of work has many dreams. For making his dream come true he is residing in a slum far from his family, friends, relatives.... His biggest dream is to make his family happy. He is even ready to risk his life in order to safeguard and make his family a happy family. He is very innocent, hardworking, generous. He is in great need of work. Without caring about the weather he burns midnight oil in search of work. With the blessings of  God he finds work. He i.... Read More

Dear Madison

Author  Photo Dave Smith   (Fri 25th Dec 2015) Dear Madison
None of you are going to see Madison again. I didn't kill her, if that's what you're thinking. I really need you to read this entire story before you even consider forming an opinion. Please don't share this story. This was written ONLY for the people that know me, or her, or both of us. Friends, family, co-workers, neighbors.. I mean it. I've hidden this story from everyone that I don't feel I can trust with it, and I've changed it so that only people on my list can see it, but just in case any.... Read More

वास्तविक प्यार

Author  Photo Sudhakar Kumar   (Thu 15th Jan 2015) वास्तविक प्यार
आइये एक नज़र डालते है वास्तविक प्यार
जब एक छोटी लड़की अपने
पापा को बाहर से आया देखकर
उनके लिए भागकर एक गिलास......
पानी का लाये|
यह प्यार है
जब सुबह पत्नी,.... Read More

The only one who truly shares my entire life with

Author  Photo Kazeronnie Mak   (Sun 9th Oct 2016) The only one who truly shares my entire life with
The conversations between a professor and a student in the evening class sometime ago. The professor said to the students, “ Let's play a game, who'll be the volunteer for it ?” Someone came forward, her name was Galaxy. The professor said, “ Please list the 20 most important names in your life on the blackboard !” Galaxy listed her family, her friends, her colleagues and her neighborhood ……… The professor said, “ Please delete the most unimportant name to your consideration ?” Galaxy deleted on.... Read More

Magic Land loss in time with Chocolate Factory

Author  Photo Shivam   (Mon 26th Oct 2015) Magic Land loss in time with Chocolate Factory

Once upon a time one boy name charlie that boy has win the golden ticket to visit Mr Wonka's factory and he was very good boy and he went Mr Wonka's factory with his grandfather name Joe Mr Wonka called and said come in and follow me and suddenly Joe came a phone and on phone a man said you have win a ticket of 5,00,00,000 rs Joe was happy but Mr Wonka was not happy Joe go back home and open a chocolate factory but one nig.... Read More

किसान की घड़ी

Author  Photo Sudhakar Kumar   (Sat 6th Dec 2014) किसान की घड़ी
एक बार एक किसान
की घड़ी कहीं खो गयी.
वैसे तो घडी कीमती नहीं थी
पर किसान उससे
भावनात्मक रूप से
जुड़ा हुआ था और
किसी भी तरह उसे वापस
पाना चाहता था.
उसने खुद भी घडी खोजने
का बहुत प्रयास किया,.... Read More

Manet and Monet: Mastery and Mystery

Author  Photo James Foley   (Tue 11th Dec 2018) Manet and Monet: Mastery and Mystery

About 1300 words

Manet and Monet: Mastery and Mystery
by James Foley

In Tidewater Virginia in July, 2017, Max Stewart unloaded from his SUV a nine-foot inflatable dinghy, then pumped it up by foot. With him were his cousin Sally Angland and her university friend Simon Grant. “What's this crazy trip about?” Max asked.
.... Read More