This is a story of a boy who was fourteen years old our story began that night when drake was on the terrace his mom called him and then he went his birthday was there then as the day ended he began to sleep and then he wished to go in a world full of happiness and fight ‘s then as he slept he was taken in a portal to the world of spirits then as he was entering the spirit world he was asked some questions if you told the questions right you’re going to become the spirit battler what’s are the questions first question is why do you want to be a spirit warrior? Cause I want to make this world a happy place ok the second question if you get power what will you obtain? I will obtain happiness and I will obtain peace in this world at any cost the third and the last question then I’m ready please ask me which animal should be claimed the king? All animals have different abilities are each have different territories these and different
Attributes and power and even skills for example the shark and the croc both the king of different territories these differences make an animal
A king then as he told the answer the voice said you did well you shall pass the one strong and worthy shall pass and your worthy then as drake appeared in the spirit world his look changed he got swords his hair color changed into red and he got a cloak he was looking awesome but as he and he began to roam then as he started to train a man appeared your new aren’t you yes said drake ok then I’ll teach you ok and what’s your name my name is Hasashi ok can I call you Hasashi sensei yes why not ok then sensei lets go now then as he trained for weeks and then he was perfect he created a attack then Hasashi told I’m no more in the spirit take this a present this is the lion you wanted thank you sensei and I’m sorry
Please don’t leave me alone you will find friends and be happy bye then Hasashi disappeared and then drake was a spirit battler then as the firs the conquered many lands and was very cruel and then he found a friend name fang and jonny then as they kept conquering they were named the horrific trio then as they were passing they saw a heard of Terex buffalo’s and a herd of mammoth’s going towards a girl then as drake used his split step he saved the girl fell in love looking at him then as drake went fang was teasing drake about the girl then as he continued drake
Started beating fang and then he continued to walk saw the same girl again the girl was watching him and then drake hey what happened why are you seeing me nothing just like this what is your name my name is Trixie oh nice name do you know the treat the mountain then fang and jonny came Trixie was happy and she left then drake asked her will we meet again yes we will then as drake was battling he saw her flying above him and then drake as he began he completed the fight and started battling then
He began to walk a message came if you want to save this girl come and save her then he went to save Trixie but when he reached he saw the opponent was crushed then he saw a team of girls then he asked will you join us yes for sure
Drake then he told his story how did he reach the spirit world and as they were talking drake was happy he was sitting on a tree with a height of 100 floors fang woke up then as he went up he saw Trixie and drake there he started whistling and calling Trixie’s name then drake told Trixie I’ll be back in a few minutes drake went to fang and smacked him what are you doing this isn’t a right thing then he told fang to sleep then fang went and called the rest of the team and then tiara told they look like a pair no said fang why not then kiara you two look like a pair as well tiara me and him fang me and her no never Marian me and jonny are a pair even he agrees to it what I never agreed and we are not a pair then what are you guy’s doing here nothing just talking hey drake let’s leave next war is going to begin and we have no ideas then they kept training at present then you guys have to learn a lot said a woman from a tree drake used his flame cutter and cut the tree down as the tree was cut down the woman fell and then the woman said what are you doing you little bastard oh another old grandma hey I’m not old then he began to talk what’s your name grandma my name is Karin oh now I remember your face it was in Hasashi sensei’s room so you must be drake yes I am he said your name in the sleep will you shut your mouth no old lady then as drake left Karin said he’s just like Hasashi isn’t he yes he is but you know one thing this guy could ruin the spirit world but not if I train him ok then few days later drake met Karin and then he said old lady again what is it now I’m here to train you little brat ok then let’s begin first lets go to the g spirit shop and get you some armor then as they bought the armor Karin sensei can I talk to you yes you can why not then drake asked her why did Hasashi sensei disappear cause he was old enough that he cannot enter the spirit world any more but why cause when the rules were made the rules said that the one who is much older than 30 cannot arrive in the spirit world then Karin sensei said drake you can defeat the king and take his kingdom then in a few years drake had five kingdoms under him Karin sensei disappeared then drake and then drake went out with Trixie the shark palace was attacked and snake palace was attacked as well then as drake came home all his friends were defeated then he got angry and released the dragon and the Terex then he went to fight then as he reached he began to fight he challenged the king’s army and told I challenge the whole two army he’s a idiot he thinks he can defeat us in a single blow no one can do that except the guardian king I can cause I’m am the king of sharks the king make us laugh you can’t even touch the level one of a king fuck let’s begin to fight ok then all at once then as drake then as drake started to fight he used the dark dragon flame then the thorn flame burning thorn then as drake was fighting he saw arrived drake your right on time lets have a challenge the winner can have the last one but the king is mine and a kiss from the team member they want Trixie heard it as well then they all continued to fight then Trixie 115 drake 165 fang 185 then in a while drake 600 kills fang 675 kills o shit Trixie 895kills both of you o shit she is defeating us but who’s kiss does she want don’t know ok let’s start fighting but as Trixie started fighting then drake 1000 fang 1200 Trixie 1500 drake what the fuck is happening with us lets continue fighting with them then drake 1700 fang 1900 Trixie 2501 I win said Trixie but In a while saw that I killed all your men now your turn then fire dragon fire blast eternal thorn then the king died so Trixie whom do you want the kiss from let me think a you what ok then but not here then where hey guys the snake queen is captured hey isn’t that our kingdom yes bro lets go then as drake he went then he I’ll give you the kiss later ok drake then drake he drake if we are going to the love mountains remembered that the love moon is tonight but what is the love moon a moon in a shape of a heart is the love moon then drake and the others left for the love mountain then drake took care of the people and then suddenly a blade came from behind which was going to hurt Kiara but then fang came in middle then why did you save me cause I love you jonny saved Marian I love you too drake saved Trixie and then drake got an idea seeing jonny and fang on the highest trees then drake picked up Trixie in his hands and then used his fire destruction blast and destroyed the love mountain and his eagle wings to fly and they both went straight drake said you want that kiss now yes then they kissed and fang kissed kiara and jonny kissed marian at the sameand jonny kissed at the same moment then as the whole spirit world watched it then as drake left they all went in the castle drake asked Trixie out and then they went out they were having some dinner then drake told her that he had some work he went and bought her a diamond necklace as he was the king of four kingdoms his queen should get the respect as well then drake came back and then she asked where were you just gone to buy this for you Trixie was shocked to see the neck lace thank you then it alright your my queen now then she started to eat and then she asked this team should expand as well yes I have some friends for that then as they both went to sleep drake woke up and went to his friend Jake we need to join our teams then Jake why not drake but before then I want to battle your team with my team Trixie was following drake she heard it all then she came In middle drake were b rank spirit team they are a d rank team we could lose don’t worry this will be a good match Jake nice to meet you Trixie thanks but then drake went ahead and then they slept next morning drake told fang and the rest that there’s a match with a d class team what it’ll be fun hey Jake tell me what is the battle status there is John d class best team smasher Shira the d class best slasher fang she is sweet Kiara what did you say nothing then comes crock the hard rock smasher whit his spirit titanium wolf dark storm eagle and the last is the leader the devil he has a wolf and a fox and a bear so he mixes them in to a Cerberus lets start the battle then as the the battle started drake meteor shower the dark wolf barrier the phoenix flame fang eagle cross demon wind strike Trixie flame wind dragon spirit barrier barker evil storm